Looking for answers, not just symptom management?

We offer a modern holistic approach to your health



Quickly and easily connect with medical care from home! Get an evaluation, diagnosis and treatment plan for common health concerns, follow up on medication refills, and get expert medical advice in minutes! Modern technology has enabled doctors to consult patients by using HIPAA compliant video-conferencing tools.  

Spa Services

Ionic Foot Detox

Infrared Sauna

Red and Blue Light Therapy

Facial/Sinus Steam Therapy

Amethyst Mat


Weight Loss/Nutrition Counseling

A holistic, lifestyle approach to weight loss including comprehensive lab work up, group nutritional courses, body composition analysis, meal planning, accountability, fitness challenges and more!

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Infusion Therapy

IV infusions can improve physical wellness and improve aspects of emotional wellness, such as depression or anxiety, by giving your body the tools it needs to stay in top condition. When your body has the ideal balance of vitamins and nutrients for normal function, you’ll feel better, get sick less frequently, and enjoy mental clarity.  

BioEnergetic Testing

BioEnergetic testing measures the body’s energy and registers electronic frequency imbalances which correspond to physiological abnormalities.   It begins with testing each body system, organ, and gland.  It can also run specific scans for allergies, hormonal imbalances, and particular conditions such as Lyme disease, mold, toxins, and much more.  

Holistic Medicine

Holistic medicine is a form of healing that considers the whole person - body, mind, spirit, and emotions- in the quest for optimal health and wellness. It utilizes traditional medicine, alternative medicine and diagnostic tools to treat the whole person and root causes rather than just the symptoms.