
Thank you for choosing

Libertas Integrative Health and Spa

to treat your COVID-related symptoms.

We are grateful that you have entrusted us to care for you during your illness. Currently, if we are treating you for COVID and COVID-related symptoms, due to our current patient volume, this does not make you an established patient of our clinic for other ongoing needs.

If you would like to set up a telemedicine appointment, please send us a text at the following secure, HIPPA compliant number: 540-613-1825 with the following information.

Patient’s Full Legal Name: (First, Middle, Last)

  • Best phone number for the provider to reach the patient?

  • Patient’s date of birth:

  • Mailing Address:

  • Email Address:

  • Copy of Insurance Cards: (if applicable)

  • What symptoms the patient is currently experiencing?

  • Is the patient having any difficulty breathing at this time?

  • Is the patient able to monitor his/her oxygen saturation level?  (This would be done with a pulse oximeter)  

  • When did the patient’s symptoms first start? 

  • Has the patient tested positive?

  • Does the patient currently take any daily medications?

  • Does the patient have any relevant medical history or  medical conditions that the provider should know about?  

  • Does the patient have any known medication allergies?

Early treatment vitamin protocol

Vitamin C 1000mg every hour that you’re awake as tolerated

Vitamin D3 10,000 units daily for 3 days then 5,000 units daily for maintenance

Zinc 25-50mg twice a day with food

Additional good supplements:

Juice Plus full serving 1-3 times a day

Quercetin 500mg twice a day

NAC 500-600mg twice a day

Purify (1 drop) in a sinus rinse once or twice a day or 5 drops by steam inhalation

Kids and Covid


Good news! Kids generally have 2-3 days of mild symptoms including coughs, fevers and congestion and occasionally stomach upset and diarrhea. Medication is not generally required but vitamin supplementation can help! Please reach out for help if your child is not improving as expected or has any difficulty breathing.

Vitamin C 500mg every hour that you’re awake as tolerated (weight 60-100lb)

Vitamin C 250mg every hour that you’re awake as tolerated (weight 25-60lb)

Vitamin D3 5,000 units daily till better (weight 60-100lb)

Vitamin D3 2,000 units daily till better (weight 25-60lb)

Elderberry extract 1 tbsp (weight 60-100lb) and 1tsp(weight 25-60lb) 4 times a day

Juice Plus gummies (can’t overdose) 1-3 servings daily until better